

  • 13
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:外资企业
  • 公司地址: 广东省 广州市 黄埔区 萝岗街道 广州市黄埔区(原萝岗区)科学城科学大道118-120号绿地*广场B1-919
  • 姓名: 李梅生
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信已绑定


  • 所属行业:机械 电工电气 电热设备
  • 发布日期:2023-03-17
  • 阅读量:405
  • 价格:1000.00 元/个 起
  • 产品规格:CEB电容
  • 产品数量:2000.00 个
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:广东广州天河区黄村街道  
  • 关键词:

    HITACHI AIC Inc. CEB电容详细内容

    Screw terminal type aluminum electrolytic capacitor 
    @ .Product Name and Type
            1.   Product Name : Alminum Electrolytic Capacitor
            2.   Shape              : Metal
            3.   Type                 : SERIES   (85℃,2000h)
    Screw and Mounting Bracket will not be attached with Capacitor.
    @ .Specifications
            1, Operating Temperature Range: 一40~+85℃
            2. Capacitance Tolerance            : 一20~+20% (at 120Hz 20℃)
            3, tan8 (Dissipation Factor)          :0.15   (at 120Hz 20℃)
            4. Rated Voltage                           :
            5. Surge Voltage                           :   
            6. Capacitance                              :
            7, Leakage Current                       :
            8. Permissible Ripple Current     :
    Permissible ripple current stated below. Capacitors temperature.
    applied is be calculated for conversion, using the figure shall be used within 60A from restriction on 
    M5 terminals temperture.
    Part Number,    Rated Voltage VDC,   Surge  Voltage VDC,   Nominal capacitance, Leakage:Current (mA)  , Max. Ripple Current(Arms),          size  Φ*L 
    CEB2G102Y         400V                                 450V                               1000UF                       4.0                                             5.0                       51*75mm
    CEB2G222Y         400V                                 450V                               2200UF                       5.0                                             9.2                       51*130mm
    CEB2G272Y         400V                                 450V                               2700UF                       5.0                                             9.9                       51*130mm
    CEB2G332Y         400V                                 450V                               3300UF                       5.0                                            11.8                       64*115mm
    CEB2G472Y         400V                                 450V                               4700UF                       5.0                                            14.9                       77*115mm
    CEB2G562Y         400V                                 450V                               5600UF                       5.0                                            19.1                       77*130mm
    CEB2G682Y         400V                                 450V                               6800UF                       5.0                                            17.0                       77*155mm
    CEB2G822Y         400V                                 450V                               8200UF                       5.0                                             23.5                       90*157mm
    CEB2G103Y         400V                                 450V                             10000UF                       5.0                                             25.9                       90*157mm
    9.   Withstand voltage   (Between terminals   bundled and Bracket)     :1500V.AC, lminute  
    10.   High temperature  Loading  :   
    Application of permissible ripple current at 50Hz to the capacitors for 2000 hours at the ambient temperture of  85 0C with a maximum voltage so that the sum of a peak of DC and AC voltages becomes equivalent of the rated
    voltage. These shall be kept for 12 to 24 hours under standard condition(comply with JIS-C-5102) and shall be satisfied with the following. Leakage Current;No more than initial value specified Capacitance Change;士15% initial value measured Dissipation Factor;No more than 17596 of initial value specified Appearance;No notable change to be found.   
    11.High Temperature  Storage    (Steady State):
    After storage of 500 hours at  850C with out voltage applied, rated volltage is applied for one hour through a 1kSZ resistor at 200C then stabilized for 12 to 24 hours. After completion of this, electrical measurement is made. Capacitor characteristics shall be satisfied with the following.       Leakage Current;No more than initial value specified
    Capacitance Change;士15% initial value measured   Dissipation Factor;No more than 175% of initial value specified
     Appearance;No notable change to be found
    12.  Surge Voltage:  
    The surge voltage is applied for 1000 cycles at  85℃of 30±5 seconds at voltage through a 1kΩ series resistor for a period of 6士0.5 minutes. These shall be kept for 12 to 24 hours under standard condition and shall be
    be satisfied with the following. 
    Leakage Current :        No more than initial value specified
    Capacitance Change: 士15% initial value measured
    Dissipation Factor:      No more than initial value specified
    Appearance:                No notable change to be found
    Size may be selected Medium and high voltage, large capacitance, screw, high ripple current Used in storing energy of electric welder and UPS, air conditioners etc.
    欢迎来到广州荣肯电子科技有限公司网站, 具体地址是广东省广州市黄埔区广州市黄埔区(原萝岗区)科学城科学大道118-120号绿地*广场B1-919,联系人是李梅生。 主要经营电源**电容_光伏发电用电容_焊机**电容_变频器**电容_日立电容_日立电解电容_HCG F5A_CEB电容_日本日立电容_日本日立电解电容_日本原装进口电容器_变频器电容_大电解电容_日立螺栓型电解电容_螺栓型电解电容_大型电解电容_HITACHI大电容_日立螺栓型电解电容_AIC电解电容_AIC电容_大型电解电容器_高压电解电容_大容量电容器_日本进口电容器_日立原装电容_原装日立电容_全新。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 万元以下。 价格战,是很多行业都有过的恶性竞争,不少厂家为了在价格战役中获胜,不惜以牺牲产品质量为代价,而我们公司坚决杜绝价格战,坚持用优质的原材料及先进的技术确保产品质量,确保消费者的合法利益。